Saturday, January 25, 2014

BlackBerry loses billions, introduces agreement with Foxconn

Friday BlackBerry has published its financial results for the third quarter of the year , and as expected by all things have taken a significant downwards , from the prior year , respectively in the same period last year .
Including the company's massive devaluation losses for the third quarter of the year for the company totaled BlackBerry 4.4 billion , or - 8.37 dollars per share .

BlackBerry humb miliarda, prezanton marrëveshjen me Foxconn
The company said it has sold 1.9 million smartphones during the third quarter of this year, down from 6.9 million units it had sold in the same quarter last year .

However , in its attempt to recover , BlackBerry also announced that it has reached a new five - year deal with the company Foxconn , which will see the possibility of developing new models of smart phones which would have cost lower to fill this market segment , which is still very important in the mobile industry .

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