Saturday, January 25, 2014

"EU did not reward Kosovo’s commitment"

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, says it welcomes the conclusions of Council of the European Union, but K

osovo has not been ‘rewarded’ for its constructive engagement in the dialogue and reforms 

undertaken at various 

government levels
"EU did not reward Kosovo’s commitment"

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, 
says it welcomes the conc

lusions of Cou

ncil of the European Union, but Kosovo ha

s not been ‘rewarded’ for its constructive engagem
ent in the dialogue and reforms undertaken at various government levels.

"I understand the 'gift' of the EU for Serbia for normalization of relations but it is far from the completion and the agreements remain unimplemented", he wrote on his Facebook profile.

Minster Hoxhaj also said that the perspective for visa liberalization and eq

ual treatment of Kosovo as the other Western Balkan countries appear to be underestimated this year.
"EU did not reward Kosovo’s commitment"

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