Friday, January 24, 2014

Facebook to win more money from advertising video!

Facebook to win more money from advertising video!

Video ads that go on Facebook itself, which social network will integrate the social network will soon be a very lucrative business for the largest social network in the world.
According to the Topeka Capital firm said that Facebook will generate up to 900 million dollars a year from advertising with video, which will sell online page for those who want to advertise in this format.
Facebook të fitojë shumë para nga video-reklamat!
When combined revenues and additional money will be taken from Facebook other social network Instagram, it will be seen that the largest social network in the world will pretty much monetizojë its base of users, even if a service like this the video ads will not be accepted by its users simple, who do not advertise on the social network. / Telegrafi /

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