Saturday, January 25, 2014

Germany will create its state Internet

Gjermania do të krijojë internetin e saj shtetëror
While relations between the U.S. and Europe increasingly are becoming tense because the national security agency of the United States, known by the abbreviation NSA has spied over 35 world leaders , the German state supported by Deutsche Telekom stated that it wants to create a national network of internet , to protect Germany from future violations of privacy .
Now , Deutsche Telekom is trying to gather the other German communications companies to join forces in defense of internet traffic from foreign intelligence services , reports Reuters .

Obviously , this is a very bold ambition , and would be too complicated to be realized , because without stopping access to major web sites like Facebook and Google , it can be an empty protection scheme .

Such an idea would be very disturbing , because a country like Germany would not have to block Internet and closure of its population in such a way , not least because it would set a troubling precedent , which would contribute to the Balkanization of the Internet .

However , it remains to be seen how serious are suggestions reported by Reuters . But , for the sake of the internet , must hope that this does not happen .

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