Friday, January 24, 2014

Stunning: You better president speaks of the poorest in the world

Uruguay's President +Jose Mujica  is one of the rare examples of politicians who live in accordance with the economic situation in the world. Mujica, instead of state palaces, living in an ordinary home village. Most of Mahnitëse: Ju flet presidenti më i mirë e më i varfër në botë (Foto/Video)donates salary for social projects, flies economy class and has a old Volkswagen. He also wears old clothes.
Former guerrilla leader did not like it when people refer to as "the poorest president in the world." 78-year-old has plenty of time in politics and know that it would be ridiculous to claim that it's his way of living should apply to all but would like others to follow his example. 

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